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Creative Ideas for Decorating a Beach Front Vacation Home

Having a beach front vacation home is clearly a great thing, but such a home will never reach its full potential if it is not decorated in a way that is visually appealing and comfortable. Below are a few creative ideas for decorating a beach front home in a way that anyone living in or visiting it will love.


Deciding on an overall color scheme for the house is a perfect first step. When choosing colors for a beach front home, the colors that are present in the natural landscape around it should be taken into account. There is clearly a lot of wiggle room to work with here, but a subtle level of uniformity between the natural colors outdoors and the ones indoors will create a very enjoyable feeling inside any beach house.

Creative Ideas for Decorating a Beach Front Vacation Home


Artwork is very popular in beach front homes, and for good reason. Items such as paintings, photographs, driftwood, various nautical items, seashells and sea glass are the perfect accents for a beach front property when it comes to artwork and design accessories. These reflect the outside environment perfectly, and can add a lot to the ocean side theme that anyone spending time at a beach house will want to be surrounded with.


Hardwood or tile floors can also work well inside any beach property. The main reason for this is that these types of floors are more resident to sand and water than carpets would be. Hardwood and tile will also help to create a more open feel to any living space, which always complements a beach setting well.


The more natural light that a beach house lets in, the more visually appealing it will be. Ocean side properties often have the opportunity to let in loads of beautiful, natural sunlight, which is why they should have lots of windows that are not covered with thick shades, but instead with easy to use blinds. According to Luxury Real Estate, this is one of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to creating a piece of nice real estate next to the beach.


Vibrant plant life is another great thing to add to any beach home. Everything outside a beach property is teeming with life — the ocean, the surrounding forests and plants — so the inside of a beach house should reflect this same idea. Fresh, green plants and flowers will make any home feel more welcoming, relaxing and natural.


These are just a few of the easiest things that anyone can do to decorate a beach front vacation home. Applying any of these ideas to a property on the beach is sure to help with creating the ultimate ocean side relaxation spot.

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