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5 Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Futon Mattress for Your Home

Futon Mattress for Your Home

A healthy sleep pattern is a mandatory necessity for individuals aspiring to lead a balanced life.

Doctors recommend a minimum sleep-time of 8 hours to avoid contracting serious life-style related ailments such as hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other stress-related health conditions.

A futon mattress is an ideal sleep essential that can assure you of a good night’s rest.

What is a Futon Mattress?

A futon mattress is a handy piece of furniture that can seamlessly fit into any room or space and can instantly provide you with the desired comfort of a bed or a couch at any given time.

The concept of a futon mattress is known to have originated from Japan and the flexibility of modifying this product from a seating option to a bed has made it a favored choice of interior designers and home-owners alike. These mattresses are known to be durable and guarantee exceptional sleep quality.

However, listed herewith are 5 prime factors that you need to consider before choosing the ideal futon mattress for your home.

1. User Comfort:

Determine the usage pattern before buying a futon mattress. If you wish to purchase a futon mattress for occasional use such as a guest bed, it is advisable to opt for cost-effective cotton-filled models.

If the futon mattress is required regularly for personal use, you can purchase a high-end coil-filled mattress as it is designed for comfort.

Comfort and flexibility are two major advantages that you will enjoy post investing in a futon mattress. These mattresses are available in four types, namely:

  • Innerspring Futon Mattress:

An innerspring futon mattress offers a conventional sleeping surface and is relatively cheaper than the pocket coil mattress.

  • Pocket Coils Futon Mattress:

A pocket coil futon mattress is technically superior as compared to the innerspring variant as it restricts motion transfer whilst sleeping and offers extreme sleeping comfort.

Despite the higher pricing, these mattresses are known to develop an irregular sleep surface after prolonged usage.

  • Foam-filled Futon Mattress:

A foam-filled mattress is known to retain the original shape for a longer duration and is better suited for being used as a couch rather than a bed.

  • Cotton or Wool-filled Futon Mattress:

Cotton or wool-filled mattresses are biodegradable and inexpensive. These mattresses are widely used by individuals seeking cheaper options. However, durability can be a major concern as these mattresses tend to degrade post regular use.

2. Technical Know-how:

Currently, there are several types of futon mattresses that are available in the market and these can be purchased directly from a store or through online retailers.

A futon mattress comprises of three main parts, namely, a cover, frame and a mattress. You need to have a basic understanding of these three essential components.

Clarity on these inputs will aid in enhancing the aesthetics and ensure the long-term durability of your futon mattress.

3. Thickness and Size:

The thickness of a futon mattress can vary depending on the size and type of frame. A heavy wood frame will have to be coupled with a thicker mattress whereas a lighter metal frame will appear better with a sleek mattress.

Futon mattresses are typically available in single, queen and king sizes. Measure the dimensions of the room prior to purchasing the futon mattress as this will give you a fair perspective of the exact size that will be adequate for your space.

Always ensure that you buy a mattress-size that suits your room as a large mattress in a small area will restrict movement and impact the ambiance.

4. Style Quotient and Durability:

Always invest in a cover for your futon mattress as it will protect the product from dust, water or any external damage such as spillage of food and drink.

Futon mattress covers are also available in a range of colors, designs, and fabrics. You can also opt for water-resistant covers whilst choosing certain types of futon mattresses.

  • Fabric Choice:

Covers constructed using cotton fabrics are known to be more comfortable as compared to other fabric options due to the ease of cleaning and maintenance. However, suede fabrics add a stylish appeal to the covers of your futon mattress. Microfiber is also another favored fabric choice for mattress covers.

  • Color Choice:

Your choice of colors whilst choosing covers for your futon mattress can greatly enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home. Solid colors are a great choice for covers as these tend to exude a warmer vibe. If you pick a fabric with stripes or patterns, ensure that the same provides a touch of elegance to the interiors of your home and complements the other furniture in the room.

5. Sleeping Posture:

You need to pick the right futon mattress based on your preferred sleeping posture. If you are a side-sleeper, a softer mattress will be an ideal purchase.

Select a firm futon mattress if you are comfortable sleeping on your back or belly, as it will prevent any back-aches or strains whilst resting.

Adhering to these above-mentioned 5 factors will ably guide you in choosing the ideal futon mattress for your home and enable you and your loved ones to enjoy a healthy sleep pattern at all times.

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