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5 Major Signs Your Home Needs New Windows

5 Major Signs Your Home Needs New Windows

If you own a home that is 15 years old or more, you may be wondering if it’s time to replace your windows. While signs such as water or air leakage and large cracks around the frame are obvious, there are also some more subtle hints that your windows are reaching the end of their lifespan.
Single Panes of Glass

Industry leader Andersen Windows came out with double-pane windows in the early 1950s, and they quickly caught on. The trapped air between the panes acts as insulation while still allowing a clear view, and those who live in frigid areas may even want triple-pane windows for even more insulation. Single panes, by contrast, allow the outside temperature to affect the inside temperature. This leads to higher utility costs overall.


White Film or Condensation between Panes

According to Northern Comfort, if you already have windows with more than one pane of glass in them, you shouldn’t see anything inside them but clear glass. Condensation inside means that the seal is compromised, as does a white film. The while film is a calcium or salt deposit from condensation. Once the seal of the window is no longer working, it’s not much better than an old-fashioned single pane.

You’re Still Using Storm Windows

Not only does putting up and taking down storm windows every year take time, they also require you to make a commitment to indoor temperature and pay to maintain it. If you get an early, warm spring, do you gamble and take off the storm windows or do you flip on the AC? Conversely, woe to the homeowner who gets buried under a foot of snow and ice in late October and hasn’t put on their storm windows yet. Storm windows are inefficient and will cost you a lot of money in energy costs compared to modern multi-pane windows.

Your Artwork, Carpeting or Furniture is Fading

If you prefer not use shades or drapery, the sun’s ultraviolet light emissions can destroy the colors of your possessions over time. If you don’t like the idea of curtains or shades and don’t want your artwork, furniture and carpets to fade, new windows with UV-blocking glass can help protect your things while still allowing in light.

The Noise Level is Unacceptable

Believe it or not, the insulating qualities of double- or triple-pane windows aren’t just for purposes of temperature. Multi-pane windows also help to buffer out noise. If the sound of your neighbor starting his car in the morning wakes the whole house, new windows are likely in order.

It can be hard to tell when it’s time to replace the windows in your house. These five signs may not be as obvious as a structural issue or leak, but they can give you a good idea as to whether or not your windows have reached the end of their life.


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