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5 Problems You Get When You Have Bad Gutters

5 Problems You Get When You Have Bad Gutters

When it comes to exterior home maintenance, homeowners often focus on caring for their roof. Paying a lot of attention to your roof is important but it’s not the only one working hard to protect your home. Instead, it works alongside your gutters, swiftly and properly directing water away from your property when it rains. Think of gutters as the unsung heroes of home protection. When they’re not at their best, you’ll definitely know because you’ll be dealing with these six problems:



Water Leaks

It’s probably the biggest indicator that you need to have your gutters checked as soon as possible. When a gutter is broken or clogged, it can’t properly direct rainwater away from your home, allowing water to pool and eventually start dripping along the gutter channel. And once it does, it’s only a matter of time before it gets into your home. Problems related to water leaks usually stem from clogs or gaps between gutter seams so focus on clearing debris and sealing joints to address this problem.




Water Rings

When moisture finally seeps into your home, you’ll see signs on your home’s walls or ceiling as discolorations called water rings. While it appears like a simple cosmetic problem, it is a clear indicator that moisture (from your gutters, if you’re sure that your roof is in top shape) has made its way into your home, which can worsen into a bigger problem if you don’t act fast.

Wall Cracks or Warped Siding

A more serious consequence of water leaks, structural damage is caused by moisture weakening a portion of your wall. This is more easily observed on painted surfaces as bubbled paint, but porous surfaces like wood siding will also vulnerable to this kind of problem.



Flooded Basement

This is a serious problem because a flooded basement can affect your home’s foundation. If you have water pooling on your basement floor, it could mean that your gutter’s downspout is not properly directing water to your storm drain or water flowing through the gutter channel has found a different path down, usually via holes along the channel’s sides or broken seams.

More Bugs

It’s a less obvious sign of having bad gutters but observing the bug population in your home will quickly tell you if you have a problem. Insects usually prefer dark, damp places, and nothing is as dark and as damp as a gutter clogged with leaves or debris. If you’re noticing a sudden increase in bug population, your gutters may be worth checking and cleaning.



Addressing Bad Gutters

Problems arising from having bad gutters can really do a number on your home but don’t worry as you can always turn to a professional for help. Even when you’re not sure you’re dealing with a gutter issue, don’t hesitate to talk to your local contractor for assistance. It might turn out to be nothing but it is always better to be safe than sorry, most especially where your home is concerned.


Author Bio:

A passionate home improvement contractor, Lisa Sanning is the co-owner of Xterior Pro. She loves sharing her experiences in and out of the industry, turning to writing blogs to have her voice heard. Outside work, she dotes on her three kids and husband.

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