5 Problems You Get When You Have Bad Gutters Home Improvement Plumbing by Lisa Sanning - October 1, 2015November 17, 2015 5 Problems You Get When You Have Bad Gutters When it comes to exterior home maintenance, homeowners often focus on caring for their roof. Paying a lot of attention to your roof is important but it’s not the only one working hard to protect your home. Instead, it works alongside your
Maintenance of essential home appliances Home Improvement Plumbing by Lillian Connors - August 8, 2015November 17, 2015 Most of your home appliances require regular cleaning and maintenance in order to function well and not to break down quickly. It is easier and cheaper to repair something it doesn’t work properly because of its good condition. But keep in mind that keeping your appliances in a good shape
12 Power Tools Every Handyman Should Own Home Furniture Home Improvement Plumbing by Veronica J Faeiry - June 20, 2015November 17, 2015 12 Power Tools Every Handyman Should Own A handyman needs a lot of tools, and these days these mean power tools. Power tools are modified versions of the traditional tools that have been used by men for so many years. The need for power tools was dictated by the advancement in
Roofing Basics: Leaks in Your Roof Can Bring the Entire House Down Home Improvement Plumbing by Matthew Housh - March 27, 2015November 18, 2015 Roofing Basics: Leaks in Your Roof Can Bring the Entire House Down Let me tell you an unarguable truth about your roof: no matter how well you take care of it, it will eventually need repairs or replacement. That’s just the way things are. Good roofs are built to last, but
Why You Should Fix Leaks At The First Sign Of A Problem Home Improvement Plumbing by Anita Ginsburg - March 4, 2015November 18, 2015 Why You Should Fix Leaks At The First Sign Of A Problem The roof on your house is meant to keep the water out. The gutters direct water run-off to the storm drains. The piping in the walls, floors, and ceiling takes the hot and cold water to your sinks, tubs,
5 Tips for Preventing Water Repair Needs Home Improvement Plumbing by Karleia Steiner - March 2, 2015 5 Tips for Preventing Water Repair Needs Water heater repairs can be quite costly. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your water heater functioning at its peak so that it can last for many years. Below is a list of tips for simple water heater maintenance: Reduce The Temperature
3 Reasons to Have Your Septic Tank Cleaned Out Before Spring Home Improvement Plumbing by Lizzie Weakley - February 26, 2015 3 Reasons to Have Your Septic Tank Cleaned Out Before Spring There are great reasons to have a septic tank cleaned before spring to ensure your home or business has a safe place for cleaning and storing sewage. Septic tank cleaning and repair by professionals is part of being a responsible
Preventing Plumbing Problems: Easier Than You Realise Home Improvement Plumbing by David Greene - February 25, 2015February 25, 2015 Preventing Plumbing Problems: Easier Than You Realise Dread the thought of your next plumbing debacle? Preventing plumbing problems is probably a lot easier than you realised. Here are a few tips to keep potential problems at bay: ü Know where everything is. When it comes to preventing (or least dealing with) plumbing problems,
Choosing the Best Roofing Materials for Your Florida Home Home Improvement Plumbing by Stacy Mellete - February 20, 2015December 12, 2015 Choosing the Best Roofing Materials for Your Florida Home Florida roofers agree that the best roof for a home in the Sunshine State must fulfill two basic requirements: one, it must be able to keep the house cool despite high ambient temperatures, and two, it must be able to protect the
5 Easy Fixes for Poor Water Pressure Home Improvement Plumbing by Karleia Steiner - February 12, 2015 How to fix the Poor Water Pressure Problems? As you look for ways to fix poor water pressure at home, you must make sure that you work with a company like Shorty's Plumbing & Heating Inc. You want to consider many ways that you can fix the water pressure in the house,