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Choosing An Interior Designer Who Is Perfect To Decorate Your Home

Are you going big on redesigning or remodeling your house that its time to hire a professional? Hiring a designer is like selecting a perfect hair stylist. They should be perfect at their job, they should understand what you want, and they should be able to give you what you desire according to what suits you. Choosing a wrong designer doesn’t necessarily mean that you will end up with a catastrophe but you may end up with a very good looking house that is just not right for you.

Here are a few tips on selecting someone who matches perfectly with your taste:

  • Selecting Prospect Designers

Before actually selecting one designer you need to look up and get in touch with a bunch of designers who you feel might be perfect you. If a friends or colleague has recently hired a designer then get a number from them, research interior magazines for advertisements, look up designers in yellow pages, visit split canvas prints galleries where designers may be lurking, you can also research on the internet for designers in your area and simply just ask around everyone. Select around 3 to 6 designers whose work you are inspired by and give them a call for an interview.

  • Be Prepared

Before the designer comes for the interview you need to be prepared by knowing exactly what you want. You don’t have to know every single detail such as the carpet must be pink, the mouldings should be oak, the pictures on canvas must be next to the wall etc; the designer can suggest you that but go through magazines and the internet and save pictures of styles you like so the designer can understand your taste and guide you accordingly. Also keep in mind your overall budget which will be handy when discussing costs with the designer.

  • The Interview

The last stage of selecting a designer should be the interview after which you should be able to completely analyze if the designer will be able to pull out what you desire in the current budget or not. Remember even if you feel you have met the perfect match; still interview all your prospects because the next one could be even better.

The first step should be to see the designers portfolio which will show you what the designers style is and if it matches yours or not, check if he/she has done a variety of work. Ask for references for their previous clients and call them up to check how happy they are, if the work is sturdy and if it was completed in time. Tell the designer what you want and listen to their suggestions, also at this point discuss costs and what can be done in the desired budget etc. A good designer will ask you a bunch of questions too if he is willing to produce the best design suitable for you. By the end of this session you’ll be clear whether the designer is perfect or not.

Author Bio: Author is a professional interior designer who is proficient in the art of design; she writes articles on designing and is fond of using canvas pictures for wall decor.

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