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Five Ways to Prepare Your Home for Changing Weather

Let us get ready for the changing weather

The weather is getting cooler, so now is the time to prepare your home for winter. Both the inside and outside of your home should be prepared to minimize your heating bills and help prevent damage to your home that can be caused by snow and freezing temperatures.

Check for Air Leaks

Your home is probably losing warm air through leaks around your windows and doors. These leaks cause your home to feel cool even when the heat is on. They can also make your heating bills go up substantially. Try lighting a small candle and holding it close to your window frames, vents, door frames and other openings to the outside of your home. The flame will flicker if air is leaking out. You can pick up a tube of caulking at any hardware store and use it to seal any leaks you have found.

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Have Your Roof Checked

Most homeowners don’t think about the condition of their roof until there is an issue. Getting your roof checked each year by professionals such as roofing contractors in Austin will help you stay on top of any issues and have repairs made before they become major problems. The last thing you want to deal with this winter is having your roof cave in because it wasn’t strong enough to hold up the weight of a few feet of snow.

Service Your Furnace

Your furnace should also get checked out before the bitter cold of winter hits your area. It’s best to replace the filter at least every three months. Get your heating system checked by a professional if it has been at least one year since any maintenance has been performed.

Cover Your Water Heater and Insulate Your Outlets

Cold air can enter your home through light switches and electrical outlets, so it’s smart to remove the covers and add a layer of insulation. Insulation is generally inexpensive and you can find pre-cut pieces at most hardware stores. They only take a few minutes to install and can make a big difference in the warmth of your home. Wrapping your hot water heater with a blanket or cover also only takes a minute and is a great way to save energy.

Reverse Your Fans

Reversing ceiling fans is a winterizing step that many homeowners forget about. Ceiling fans generally run counterclockwise during the summer so that cool air is pulled down into the room. Most fans have a switch on them that reverses the direction of the blades, which draws cool air from the floor up to the ceiling, making the whole room feel warmer.

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