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Turning Your Garage into a Home Gym

Is your motivation to drive to the gym after work waning? Do you have a sizable garage that is being underused or misused? Chances are that your garage is simply housing a bunch of junk that you don’t regularly use. There’s no better way to clear the clutter and build something meaningful in the process than installing a home gym in your garage.

You might as well use that huge space for something that is going to benefit you. While converting your grungy garage into a functioning and inviting gym takes a lot of work and a large financial investment, you might actually save money in the long term.

Here are a few ways in which you can start building a garage gym the right way. Remember, you don’t have to re-create the professional gym you frequent; you only have to incorporate what works for you and suits your budget.

Assess the Space and Clear Clutter

  • This is the logical first step since you will need to accurately size the space to determine what is a realistic expectation for the gym. Obviously, clearing all the excess clutter out of the garage is essential. This may require you to sell or donate old stuff you never use and re purpose another area for the necessary items in the garage. You’ll also need to deep clean the garage before beginning construction.

Add Insulation, Lighting, and Ventilation

  • Your gym will need to be insulated like any other living quarter. You’ll also need good light and a fan to work out. Depending on how well lighted you garage is already, you may not even need any more illumination. Adding a ceiling fan is the most effective way to keep the space ventilated, although floor fans work too if you don’t want to bother with installation.

Purchase Carpet and Exercise Mats

  • Laying carpet down will provide a comfortable, shock absorbing surface on which to exercise. Choosing an indoor/outdoor carpet will prove more durable. Exercise mats reinforce this and are great for floor exercises and yoga. If you’re going to direction of a climbing gym, you’ll need all the good pads you can get. For this, laying a couple layers of foam and then placing pads on top is important for comfort and safety.

Add Sheetrock. Racks, and Shelves

  • Sheetrocking the walls will add necessary strength to hang things. Building some shelves and/or racks is a great way to store your exercise equipment. If you really want to be creative, you can conceal these behind retractable walls or within drawers. Make sure if you’re putting heavy equipment on shelves, the shelves are properly reinforced to hold the weight. This also applies to climbing walls, pull up bars, or anything else you use to support your weight.

Select your equipment

  • Once everything else is mostly complete, it is time to bring in the equipment. What you select as equipment depends on the size of the space, your budget, and your fitness interests and needs. A treadmill, elliptical machine, stair stepper, or stationary bike are all great additions. Adding a set of weights and even weight bench and punching bag are great gym items to consider. Of course, you can purchase a few pieces and build on your gym over time.

Other Tips:

When considering converting your garage into a gym, there is a lot of practical things to consider to create a functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing gym. If you are inexperienced, calling a contractor to assess the space and the project from a technical perspective is a good idea.

Make sure the electric and gas lines are properly installed and up to code. During a renovation, it is crucial not to disrupt these lines, and may even be necessary to re-route them. Consulting an electrician is a good idea for this.

Converting your garage into a gym is all about the size of your space and your individual tastes. If you’re working with a small space, you may need to maximize storage and invest in only essential equipment you regularly use. Don’t clutter your gym like your garage. A minimalist approach will save money, space, and be more inviting.

By +Ben Vaughn

Ben Vaughn is a home renovation junky and loves to write about it. He is an advocate of self-improvement through garage renovation. He definitely believes that garage renovation is the cheapest and easiest way to get some exercise. He lives in Salt Lake City and because of the wide temperature range, he found he needed to shop for a new garage door in Utah county just to get some more insulation to keep warm during cold nights. If you love to work out at night, you may want to look into doing the same.

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