Know in Details About the Method of Concrete Waterproofing Home Improvement Home Renovation Roofing by Amelia Varley - October 23, 2018 Know in Details About the Method of Concrete Waterproofing What is waterproofing? The term Waterproofing refers to a method adopted by civil engineers for making a concrete structure waterproof or water-resistant. The main reason for waterproofing is that the structure remains free from damp caused by moisture and gets an extra life. By waterproofing the building remains relatively unaffected by rain water or by any kind of water leakage. Waterproofing is a very vital part of a heavy concrete construction. Why concrete waterproofing is being carried out? Concrete casings of metro railway running underground, under river water as well as on land has been designed and constructed with absolutely water proof procedure. Due to the reason that water ingress can damage the steel reinforcing rods inside the concrete and can cause collapse of the whole structure. Waterproofing is carried out by application of a mixture of materials used to prevent water intrusion into the structural elements of a building or its finished spaces. Waterproofing can resist hydrostatical pressure imposed by moisture in the liquid state. Waterproofing is carried out using special waterproofing material, which is generally a combination of certain materials used to prevent water intrusion into the concrete structural elements of a building or its finished spaces. Waterproofing is an essential phenomenon required for concrete structure both on land and submarine locations. Permeability of water vapour through a material or structure is reported as a moisture vapor transmission rate. Waterproofing is commonly used in reference to concrete portion of building structures like roof, basements, decks, or wet areas. Waterproofing methodology For the purpose of waterproofing, a combination of materials is used to prevent water intrusion into the concrete structural elements of a building or its finished spaces. Waterproofing in various construction: While constructing a building, waterproofing is essential. The roof covering concrete slab, building concrete side walls, foundations, and all the penetrations through these surfaces must be water-resistant. Roofing materials are universally constructed as water-resistant. But for construction of concrete dams where huge quantity of water is stored, waterproofing is the main point to be concentrated on. In such cases concrete structure undergoes an enormous water pressure. Water penetration is strictly prohibited for such construction similar to metro rail concrete structure indicated above. For the purpose of waterproof many kinds of waterproof membrane systems are available, this includes the followings: felt paper or tar paper with asphalt application tar to make a built-up roof, bituminous waterproofing, ethylene propylene diene monomer EPDM rubber application , Hypalon, polyvinyl chloride, liquid roofing, and many more applications. Water-resistant membranes are remarkable protectors of concrete walls. It is also used as house concrete wraps are designed as porous as possible to let the moisture evaporate. Walls also provide vapor or air barriers. Damp proofing It is another part of waterproofing. Concrete in foundations that needs to be damp-proofed or waterproofed by application of a liquid coating, basement waterproofing membrane under the concrete slab polyethylene sheeting is commonly used Waterproofing of underground structure Under -ground waterproofing is generally divided into two areas: Tanking: This is a process used where the under-ground structure will be sitting on water table permanently or periodically. Accordingly, full encapsulation is carried out of the basement structure Damp proofing: This kind of waterproofing is adopted where the water table is below the structure and there is good free-draining possibility. The membrane takes care of shedding of water as well as ingress of water vapor without any hydrostatic pressure. Generally, this incorporates a damp proof membrane (applied to the concrete walls with application of polythene DPM under slab. Conclusion: Summing up all the above it can be concluded that concrete waterproofing secures a building or construction from any damage by water. So, it is extremely required for all type of concrete constructions.