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Spring Decorations – Cute Ways to Decorate Your Place for Spring

Spring Decorations – Cute Ways to Decorate Your Place for Spring


Spring is finally here! Time to pack up that winter stuff and bring out the bright pastels we all love. This is the time for new beginnings, light and breezy decorating, and most of all, Easter. Here are some cute ideas for you to think about when decorating your home for this colorful time of year.

Cherry Blossoms

In the wild, cherry and other fruit blossoms only last for a short period of time. In your home they can last forever with this diy craft! Take a dark pink and light pink tissue paper. Cut them out into 2-4 inch, five petal flower design. Next, align the darker flowers so the petals aren’t matched up with the lighter ones and twist in the center. Take a 3 inch floral wire and wrap them. Last, use a hot glue gun to secure them to a bare branch and repeat! For a more realistic look, use different sizes. Place in a flower vase and use them as a room centerpiece. Simple, huh?

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Pastel Twigs

If you are on the budget or in small apartments for rent in Summerside, but don’t want to miss out on the decorating, this is for you! Go outside and grab some twigs. Then, paint them pastel colors. You can arrange them however you like and use them either in a flower pot, or glue them together and attach to canvas and hang them on your wall!


Find light material, in any spring color that you prefer and hang it as new curtains or even on top of your existing neutral ones. For best spring looks, find a curtain with geometric design on it.


Make a one of a kind wall piece from handmade butterflies. You can color them however you want and make them big or small. Arrange them with other wall decorations you already have, or they can stand alone. This might take a bit of time depending on how many you want. All you need is some craft paper, scissors, art supplies, and safety pins to stick them to the walls.

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These lovely decorations come in all different kinds of styles. You can buy some, or make your own. When making your own, you can use flowers, ribbons, twigs, eggs…pretty much anything your imagination comes up with! Use them inside or outside, but don’t forget to hang one on your front door.

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These are only a few ideas that you can use for your spring decorations. When decorating your house keep in mind that if you are renting, Renters Guide says some ideas might have to be tweaked according to your lease.



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