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7 places to go for an interior design inspiration boost

7 places to go for an interior design inspiration boost

Looking for interior design inspiration? Does your good ol’ companion of a home feel a bit outdated? It’s your responsibility to make sure that once you come home from a long day at work, you are welcomed by a home that is not ‘just alright’, but engulfs your senses, pats you on the back and welcomes you home. Your home should be somewhere that when you walk in the door, you can relax and be yourself.

Making a home is often harder than it sounds. So where should you go for some interior design inspiration? We’ve had a look at some different places that can ignite your inspiration and give you a solid foundation so that you can cherry pick what you want in your home – and how you want it!


Pinterest is the ultimate 21st century design and interior inspiration hub! Type in your search and you’ll be bombarded with ideas!

Anything from garden DIYs to premium homes and exclusive floor plans, Pinterest is your design saviour!

interior design

Your friend’s pad

We all have that one friend. The friend who’s flat or home is always on point, always looks neat and wonderful!

Invite yourself over for a cup of tea, and tell them about your plans. While you’re there, take some mental notes on why you think your friend’s place is so wonderful. We’re not saying buy the same furniture and make yours a replica flat, but think about the flow and how all things come together to form a nice home.


Oh IKEA. A little piece of Sweden and some Scandinavian minimalism anywhere in the world, and on a budget.

Even if you are not looking to buy anything for interior design, go for an afternoon and stroll through the demo homes. Prepare to be amazed by some impressive uses of smaller spaces, fancy kitchens, and hundreds of square metres of furniture mecca.

interior design

Take a walk in a nice neighbourhood

Remember that street you came across walking through town that one time, that street where you imagined yourself living and growing old? Go back there, and draw some inspiration.

How are the houses like? What appeals to you about the neighbourhood? Maybe even have a sneak peak in the windows to see what it looks like inside.

Local museums

Now, this is an odd one out for some people. The weirdest things can inspire you, and a gallery or a modern museum might just do the trick.

Look for lines, patterns and colours that tickle your fancy, then bring these into your home.


Like any social media, Instagram is absolutely stuffed with people showcasing things in and around their home that look really good and can be very inspiring for interior design tips!

Go on a hashtag adventure, and find extravagant homes, budget friendly DIY alternatives and everything in between.

interior design

Your stylish cousin

Have you got a family member who’s style you adore? Why not ask him/ her for a helping hand.

Show them what you’ve got, tell them your thoughts and your budget and then chat over what they think.

If their ideas are rubbish then brush them off and move onto greater things, at least you’ll have found out what you do not like.


All in all, for inspiration – all you need to do is ask sometimes! At G.K. Contracts Scotland we specialize in flooring and general maintenance. We provide the solid foundations for a dream home, then it’s your job to make it yours!

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